Tuesday, October 11, 2005


1) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0401792/

Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites. Kinda boring. =/

2) http://video.movies.go.com/sincity/

The official Sin City DVD website. Links to the Cast, Behind the Scenes, Trailers and Clips, and even a Game to play. Yay. =)

3) http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/sin_city/

A ton of Sin City reviews. Also includes movie info, a trailer, poster, photos, news, and articles. Seems like a good stop for multiple media needs! =O

4) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4266148.stm

A film poster, which allowed people to view clips from the film Sin City, is banned for condoning violence. Interesting media story, but. Oh my. Whoever would have guessed that an 18+ certificate film, which had the director of Kill Bill - Quintin Taertino - help direct, might possibly condone violence? I shudder to think. >_>

5) http://www.crimeculture.com/Contents/NeoNoir.html

Traces the development of neo-noir from the 1960s onward. Not much more to say, this'll help for the Genre and SHEP section of my essay. @_@

6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_noir

Much like number five. This link looks at neo noire and it's genre elements. It'll be useful to cross-reference between the two, and try and find any ambiguities in one that's cleared up in the other.

7) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/4561547.stm

Things in Sin City are too violent, people whine. Frank Miller defends his creation, and rightfully so. For the love of god, it's rated 18+. Obviously it's not going to be filled with sunshine and lolipops. =/

8) http://www.theory.org.uk/effects.htm

Media effects. How movies and such can screw with their audience. There aren't many firm theries out their. This link might be more useful to the rest of you guys in my media class. -_-

9) http://www.stevewlb.zen.co.uk/College/Booklets/audiences.htm

Even more audience effect theories and such. From Cultivation to whatever else. Might be useful to the rest of you out there. =)

10) http://www.haberarts.com/mulvey.htm

When looking at a text like Sin City, a theorist like Laura Mulvey, the male gaze, and modern art has to be mentioned somewhere. This is a site that explains her ideas.

11) http://www.filmsite.org/genres.html

All about genres. What they are, the major categories, and the contrasting types. This will be somewhat essential for my study, it being about genre and it's development. Also useful for others. =D

12) http://comicbooks.about.com/od/comicmovies/tp/toptenmovies.htm

Something more for me, also genre based. This is a "top ten" best comic-book-tuned-movie list. It should help to pick another image text to analyse that's similiar to Sin City. Maybe... <_<

13) http://www.filmsite.org/filmnoir.html

Another one near-specific for myself. Film noire genre, very extensively detailed and hugely useful. Contains information for SHEP about the developement of the genre from the second World War. Definitely going to use. =)

14) http://www.westga.edu/~byates/video.htm

Video Violence: Desensitization and Excitation Effects on Learning. Just speaks about audience effect theorise and how they can mess up the mind of the viewing audience. It's one of the debates in Sin City, so I have to look into it. >.<

Wewt. That's all from me for now. kekekekeke. ^_^


Blogger Macguffin said...

Superb internet research - you've found some real gems!!


8:34 AM  

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