Thursday, October 13, 2005


Heterosexual: Gale and Dwight, standing near a pile of dead bodies, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...heterosexuality has always been a large part of film noir. How else is the femme fatale to seduce the male protagonist if she's replused by him altogether?

Homosexual: Critics (some) suggest that films such as this with gang warfare and mostly males as the leaders of narrative might hint at such an undertone. They're probably just repressing their own hopes....

Lesbians: Two women are "dykes" in Sin City, although their relationship is refered to more in passing glimpes and scenes. Yes, I know that this falls under the above.

Matriarchal: Gale and all the Whores rule the lower slums of in City. In Old Town, their word is absolue law, and they have made pacts between them and the police. There also have a fair amount of femme fatale's.

Patriarchal: Mentioned gangs through dialouge are all ruled solely by male figures (Pimps). The villians and heroes and antiheroes are all males, but women in Old Town are Whores in general.

Perverse (sexual): That's right that pole.....curve those curves...

Misogyny and Sadistic: Woman murdered at beginning and do it at the end with crazy-ass looks on their crazy-ass faces. Scary and pleasing at the ame time. Gail gets her nerve endings crushed. And she gets smacked around a few times, pimp-slapping style.....yeah. I know.


Blogger Macguffin said...

Very good - a range of angles covered.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Macguffin said...

You've started considering this already but in what ways is it a feminist text?

9:47 AM  

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