Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Course Evaluation:

Note: As wanted, this will be rated from one too five. I will assume one is horrible, two is shitty, three is average, four is outstanding, and five is perfect.

How well is the course organised?

Checking homework leads to discussion, that leads to verbally expressing ourselves, or analysing various media texts, and that leads to the teachers pinging in and sticking a few educated theories and theorists into our minds, along with a few key terms. I like. Four out of five.

How interesting is the content that is covered?

Most of the time, I find it interesting. That comment shouldn’t be unexpected. Why would I do a boring course? Four out of five.

How useful are the handouts?

Some are though provoking. But the others are like a mcguffin and homework rolled into one. Two out of five.

Have the lessons been well-paced?

I don’t feel lost and confused and hopeless, but I don’t feel that it’s all mindless garbage I’ve heard before. Learning, writing, thinking, learning, writing, thinking. It’s at a pace I like. Four out of five.

What is the standard of the teachers’ subject matter?

I’m not thinking how much of an uneducated dumb-ass either of them are. The exact opposite is true. They obviously know what they speak about with a depth of knowledge, but they aren’t condescending about it. Who knew it was possible? Four out of five.

How well has the course met your expectations?

What kind of weird question is this? I expected this same quality from last year’s own. Three out of five. >_>

Have the extra curricular events been useful?

Lets see. I get to have people see something I contributed to in public and give the same to others. I get trips to ask the makers of film and media stars what difficulties, joys and insecurities they have. And I get a reason to enjoy and intelligently analyse 18+ movies. All good here. Four out of five.

Has the Mcguffin Blog been useful?

It’s a trap! I’m not giving you an excuse to keep this evil homework-log running. Think of the children! Fellow students, vote low here so they don’t have a reason to keep this going. It’s too late for us, but we can save the future media students! One out of five.

Changes and improvements:

I can’t think of much here. For your Mcguffin Blog, stick a few key terms up for the sake of quick reference if it should slip our mind. Get more of those articles like Dirty Young Men and keep the outlet for sharing our views about it (the forum). We need more 18+ films to watch because . . . it would be useful for . . . look, we just need more of them. But if that’s not possible, try to get some films that we’re studying on something that’s easily accessible. For example, I really doubt we’re going to clearly remember “Love + Hate” if we don’t see it again. So far, so good.


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