Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Self Evaluation:

Note: As wanted, this will be rated from one too five. I will assume one is horrible, two is shitty, three is average, four is outstanding, and five is perfect.

Attainment: I’ve bought and bourhed a few books and a magazine with an article regarding Sin City. Two out of five.

Effort: I sure as hell did not type that what I did and gather the information and buy several books that throw complex words that make me feel stupider than usual just to be modest here. I hauled ass to get things done, but that was often at the last second. I’ve still done a good amount. Three out of five.

Punctuality: Punctuality rating is low, because I would assume that the average attendance of others is 90-100% whilst my own is lacking in comparison. Two out of five.

Submission and quality of homework: I can’t remember not doing my homework, and doing it properly. I think I did it all well, but I didn’t go completely out of my way. Three out of five.

Ability to work independently: I’m as independent as an infant. Now, I believe it’s time for my spoon-feeding? One out of five.

Quality of writing: People with English as their third language are on par with me. My work is obviously lacking in media terms and phrases. Two out of five.

Organisation of media folder: Organisation? Media folder? The hell are those? One out of five.

Oral contributions in class: I’d much rather shut up and listen that speak and contribute. I’m sure that most people agree for the class sessions. One out of five.

Areas of improvement: I need to get that media folder in something close to order, and obviously be more independent. Working on punctuality wouldn’t kill me, either.


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