Title: (The name of the book, including its edition)
Author: (The author’s name: first their forename and then their surname.)
Year: (The year the book was published last)
Publisher: (The name of publisher that printed it)
Place: (Where the book was printed)
Title: Aggression and Violence
Author: Peter Marsh and Anne Campbell
Year: 1982
Publisher: Basil Blackwell
Place: Great Britain
Title: Television Culture
Author: John Fiske
Year: 1987
Publisher: Routledge
Place: Great Britain
Title: Film Noir Reader
Author: Alain Silver and James Ursini
Year: 1998
Publisher: Limelight Editions New York
Place: United States
Author: Valerie Bryson
Year: 1999
Title: Feminist Debates
Publisher: Macmillian Press
Place: Great Britain
Title: Narrative and Genre Key Concepts in Media Studies
Author: Nick Lacey
Year: 2000
Publisher: Palgrave
Place: China
Title: Dictionary of Media & Communications Studies Fifth Edition
Author: James Watson and Anne Hill
Year: 2000
Publisher: Arnold
Place: Great Britain
Title: Cinema Studies. The Key Concepts. Second Edition.
Author: Susan Hayward.
Year: 2001.
Printed: Routledge
Place: USA and Canada simultaneously.
Title: The Changing Roles of Women
Author: Ziauddin Sardar and Borin Van Loon
Year: 2002
Publisher: Heinemann Library
Place: Great Britain
Title: Media, Gender and Identity
Author: David Gaunlett
Year: 2002
Publisher: Routledge
Place: Great Britain
Title: Studying the Media
Author: Tim O’ Sullivan, Brian Dutton, and Philip Rayer
Year: 2003
Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Place: Italy
Title: Double Indemnity
Author: Billy Wilder
Year: 2000
Publisher: University of California Press
Place: Great Britain
Name: Advanced Studies in Media
Authors: Joe Nicholas and John Price
Publisher: Nelson
Name: The Media Studies Student’s Book (Third Edition) Authors: Gill Branston and Roy Stafford
Publisher: Routledge